Concert Recap: PSYCHIC FEVER Jam Out With Fans at Hollywood Roadshow

On Thursday night, PSYCHIC FEVER took to Hollywood Boulevard for a roadshow on the Wish USA bus, a mobile studio on wheels where talent can showcase their music live. The seven members of the Japanese group — which consists of KOKORO, WEESA, TSURUGI, RYOGA, REN, JIMMY, and RYUSHIN — put on a memorable show for their attending fans. EnVi was present and captured their live performances from the front row.

PCF Get Hyped on Hollywood Blvd.

As the roadshow began at 8 p.m., PSYCHIC FEVER’s fans, known as ForEVERs, arrived early to secure the closest spots on the viewing side of the orange and white Wish USA vehicle. Quickly, the mobile studio was surrounded by a crowd of eager ForEVERs. Closer to the start of the event, the members arrived in casual clothing and entered the bus. Fans then waited in anticipation for the window’s blinds to rise.
The group proceeded to perform love songs “Temperature” and “BEE-PO” as well as the 2000s R&B-inspired song “Just Like Dat.” Even in a confined space, the group was determined to put on great performances for their fans. The seven members danced in their seats, got up close to the glass to engage with fans, and overall performed energetically.

Psychic Fever & ForEVERs Forever
Throughout the experience, ForEVERs sang the lyrics ecstatically, chanted, held up their handmade signs, and had their phones ready to capture snippets of the performances. While the windows may have physically separated PSYCHIC FEVER from ForEVERs, that didn’t keep the two from sharing their energy. At times, the members would turn towards the crowd and encourage their fans to sing along with a point of a microphone. PSYCHIC FEVER’s fans, in turn, would participate with excitement and hype up the members.
Even as the roadshow ended, ForEVERs remained in place to wave goodbye to the members as they exited the bus.

Want to learn more about PSYCHIC FEVER? Read EnVi’s artist spotlight with the group here.