Ella Galvin Captures The Ups and Downs of NYC Life in “The Way It Goes”

Up-and-coming soul, pop, and jazz artist Ella Galvin released her debut EP, The Way It Goes, on June 14. The record is a testament of Galvin’s sound-searching journey as a rising solo artist, with six tracks that fuse diverse genres. From bops that’ll get you on your feet to heartfelt, sing-along tunes, EnVi breaks the EP down track by track.
Soaking the Sunlight In
The Way It Goes serves as a compendium of Ella Galvin’s life in New York as a young queer woman. “It’s a collection of moments reflecting the highs and lows of navigating relationships, finding solace in solitude, and embracing the unpredictability of life,” she shared in a press release. Starting off in Boston with local fusion bands, Galvin moved to New York for college, and her singing journey only grew from there. It was in NYC when Galvin began going solo, with her performance at the Bowery Electric in 2022 marking her debut.
Fittingly, The Way It Goes opens with “Pink Shoes,” her first single as a solo artist. The upbeat track features a bouncy disco-influenced arrangement, with lyrics narrating her freedom from a controlling relationship. Not only does the track showcase her frank lyricism, it also sees her spit some bars. While it may be the only instance of rap in the record, Galvin’s performance is not to be missed. Following the track is “Do Not Disturb,” which sees Galvin delving into garage and bedroom pop. Over a bouncy beat, the song cheekily touches upon the singer’s perplexing situationship. Similar to “Pink Shoes,” it ends with Galvin recording a voice note for her partner, in which she decides to move on and find stability.
I Look Back, Summer Breeze
Independence may feel exhilarating at first, but the euphoria doesn’t last forever. The sharp turn from the EP’s first two tracks to “Spare Me” is proof of exactly that. Opting for a brooding sound with mellow piano chords and somber guitar strums, “Spare Me” sonically pays tribute to Amy Winehouse — one of Galvin’s biggest musical inspirations. Lyrically, it narrates a failed romance in one of its most heartbreaking forms: falling for someone who is emotionally unavailable. Galvin’s tender voice continues to ring even after the song ends: “I never get this sinking feeling / I hope that it leaves with you on your flight in the morning / But I never get this loving feeling / Sure is a sight to see / Please don’t spare me.”
But in the fourth track, “Don’t Look Ahead,” Galvin finds her closure once again: this person is not worth her love and time. With a lighthearted pop rock beat and some string arrangement, listeners are brought back to a turning point in Galvin’s life. When her partner leaves her instead of staying the night to forge their bond, she knows they’re not the one for her. “I just thought that / You were changing for a second / But you changed faster than I could say ‘please don’t leave,’” she sings. After the bridge, where Galvin recognizes their incompatibility, the song breaks into a cinematic blend of strings.
Just Passing the Time
As the second last track of the EP, title track “The Way It Goes” picks the pace back up. Galvin pours her soulful voice into the heart-pumping pop rock track. This time, while still recognizing the possibility of falling back in love, she sets her eyes forward for what life has to offer her. In the music video, Galvin goes on a terrible date before realizing that perhaps the right person for her has been around the corner all along.
The EP ends with “Passing the Time,” a funk-infused track featuring Lady Di Mega Diva. Compared to the other songs, the song highlights the struggles of an aspiring singer. Opening with the lines “Woke up at 9 and I opened my computer to another day of work / I wish I knew my dreams sooner,” the song is autobiographical, as Galvin did have to work other gigs before dedicating more of her time as a singer. Despite her monotonous routine and the financial constraints she has to go through, Galvin remains optimistic. “I’m waiting on tables / I’m waiting until I’m f**kin’ able / To sit with my idols at the dinner table,” she sings. And with the release of her debut EP, she’s a step closer to achieving her dreams.
The Way It Goes is out now on Spotify. Follow Ella Galvin on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok to keep updated with her musical endeavors.
Want more new music? Check out our coverage of Saint Levant’s latest record, DEIRA, here!