Stray Kids’ Han And Seungmin Touch STAY’s Hearts With “Zombie”

Stray Kids are well-known not only for their talent and great performances, but also for their love towards their fans, STAY. The group shows their love through gifts like V-Lives, selfies, and fan meetings. This time the gift came in the form of a cover. As part of the SKZ-RECORD series, Stray Kids’ Han and Seungmin released a cover on February 9 of DAY6’s song “Zombie.”
“Zombie” is a rock track with a mixed ballad sound. The lyrics tell the story of a one-sided love, and the helpless consequences of it. The song’s soft melody blended perfectly with Seungmin’s deep voice and Han’s mid-high vocal range. The two members delivered the track filled with the emotions that the original song encapsulates and highlighted their vocal talents.
Stray Kids have shown a lot of respect for the band DAY6, their seniors in JYP Entertainment. Han and Seungmin never miss a chance to show love to DAY6’s music. The pair have previously shown their support for the group by covering their debut track “Congratulations.”
The Stray Kids members upload covers of a wide variety of songs on SKZ-RECORD. These include Seungmin’s covers of “3108” by Ha Hyunsang, “Love Again” by Baekhyun, and “Stay As You Are” by Sandeul. It also includes I.N’s latest cover of “Memory of Your Scent” by Huh Gak, and “If It’s You” by Jung Seung-hwan.
Alongside the covers, it also has tracks produced and composed by the members themselves. Duos like Changbin and Seungmin created “Piece,” and Felix and Changbin released “Cause I Like You.” This series also includes solo pieces like “ HaPpY” and “Alien,” by Han, “Cypher” by Changbin, and “I Don’t Want To Admit It” by Bangchan. These three members form 3RACHA, the producer team of Stray Kids.
STAY Return the Love
After the cover of “Zombie” was posted, STAYs could not wait to share their reaction to the song on Twitter!
DAY6’s Wonpil also noticed the cover and expressed on V-Live that he would listen to it.
What’s Next?
2021 was an eventful year for Stray Kids with winning the survival show Kingdom: Legendary War, releasing their second full album NOEASY, releasing their Japanese track “SCARS,” and dropping a holiday Special Single EP Christmas EveL. They have shown their versatility as artists and performers. With 2022 starting, fans are looking forward to what’s next!
Want more Stray Kids’ content? Check out our coverage of their latest vlog here!